This file will resume my AppleTV Experiences... First of all I am trying to Upgrade to a 250 GB Western Digital Disk (WD2500BEVE) Unsucessfully tough... Why? Good question, either my AppleTV (40GB) doesn't know how to talk to this Disk OR the disk is broken. "upgrading" to another 40gb disk works perfectly. These are the theoretical steps (they work in practice with my other 40GB disk) Note that when I plugged my disk into my Mac it got detected as disk1 Also, this small procedure is made for speed, so we wont dump 37Gb but only the first 1.3Gb Plug in your original disk and launch the following command on a console: dd if=/dev/disk1 count=1335 of=AppleTV.img bs=1024k this will dump the first 1.3Gb of your disk to the current directory you are in so be sure you have 1.3Gb free and be ready to loose all your Synced data... if you run the following command on a different console it will give you a progress report. kill -INFO `ps auxw |grep dd |grep -v grep |awk {' print $2 '}` diskutil eject disk1 dd if=AppleTV.img count=1335 of=/dev/disk1 bs=1024k diskutil eject disk1 gpt recover disk1 diskutil eject disk1 gpt remove -i 4 disk1 diskutil eject disk1 gpt show disk1 diskutil eject disk1 gpt add -b 2732016 -i 4 -s 75408111 -t hfs /dev/disk1 ## IF YOU COPY PASTE THE ABOVE LINE YOU WILL END UP WITH A 40GB DRIVE AGAIN! ## TAKE A LOOK AT THE OUTPUT of the show disk command and fill in the start ## and end block of the line below partition 3 diskutil eraseVolume "Journaled HFS+" Media /dev/disk1s4 rm -r /Volumes/OSBoot/.Spotlight-V100/ /Volumes/Media/.Spotlight-V100/ diskutil eject disk1 (3141672) AppleTV YouTUBE update some info on the latest Apple TV update As it goes nowadays with moder UI's and High Speed Internet you don't get told how fast things go or how long they take. I wondered how big the Update was, and what it is. So I pulled the Update and then pulled the plug. Hooked my disk to the Mac and checked what had changed. Well most of all the "Updates" isn't empty anymore. It now contains: 2Z694-5248-45.dmg 2Z694-5248-45.dmg.signature version.xml MD5 (2Z694-5248-45.dmg) = de97420f70bef0afa0ba53f24959db5c MD5 (2Z694-5248-45.dmg.signature) = 921e86b0a43801fe8092232f13ada9ac MD5 (version.xml) = c3207ab34a8169591c282d76d8c3c847 -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 179M Oct 2 22:30 2Z694-5248-45.dmg -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 256B Oct 2 22:30 2Z694-5248-45.dmg.signature -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 441B Oct 2 22:30 version.xml Pretty interesting, 179Mb update, pretty heavy. I could just upload the file and provide a link BUT, Apple provided us with a nice XML file :) steve@laptop-steve Updates $ cat version.xml OS BuildVersion 8N5239 UpdateURL Version 10.4.7 steve@laptop-steve Updates $